Tuesday, 5 May 2009


wow, this is my 1st blog in ages.
well, today was quite stressfull, 'causee i thought my art that i did last night was quite good, but mr.grayson is always so pessimistic and wants "more work doing to it" i mean yeah.. alright, but i had so much else to do!, i had my study sheet & my portrait, it doesn't sound like a lot, but trust me, its a lot!!
but i did manage to get it all finished, i just hope Grayson likes it, otherwise i'll cry.. cause its due it tomorrow.
YES. tomorrow. im free of art! well, until college.

my last propper week of school this week. we're not allowed to wear our jumpers that we get signed cause its NOT uniform. ahhh' bog off with yer uniform. its our last propper weeek!
anyway, im rambling now haha.