Thursday, 25 November 2010

30 days 'til Christmas!

Hey, so, I just came across my blogspot, haha, I've not written in this since June? That's crazy. I guess I've kinda moved onto Tumblr, now. But, I reckon I'm still gonna keep this, just incase I need a proper rant that I want hardly anybody to read, paha.

ANYWAY, a LOT has happened since June.... Wow, I can't even be arsed to tell you, really... I finally got my lip pierced, though! :)

I kinda like this lad? But, trouble is, I think this other lad kinda likes me? & he got all pissy and whatnot about it yesterday, I was like looooolwudafuuux? See, I wouldn't actually mind if he was all pissy and mardy with me if he'd actually TOLD ME that he likes me, but, he's actually not, but, he still gets pissy. Dyumm.

ANYWAY, again... It's only 30 days 'til Christmas... I'm ded excited! :D

I probably won't even write in this until after Christmas, haha, So, if anyone is actually reading... Have a good Christmas. (: