Sunday, 31 July 2011


So, in October I'm going to see Youmeatsix on the 13th :3 EEEEEEEEE. I LOVE YOUMEATSIX.
Then, I'm off to see The Joy Formidable with Alex on the 15th, boooked an hotel for the night and everything so we don't have to worry about getting back. :)

So, I'm properproperPROPER happy today, I've had a pretty shit week, tbf with.. certain events that happened, but, everything is back on track and better than ever. :)
Alex stayed round last night and it was just a proper lovely night in watching films/family guy all snuggled up on t'sofa. :) Lovely! Then, today, we went to his friends new appartment, it's absolutely LOVELY! :) Alex was almost hinting that we should both get full time jobs so that we could afford one, lmao! £550 EACH a month tho, even though it's lovely, s'abit much for me! D:
Thennnnn, we ended up going back to his watching family guy, again ;) and just cuddling up, s'been a lovely couple of days and he sent me the loveliest text earlier and it made me SQUEEEEEEEEEEE~ :3 Cannot wait to see him again on Tuesday. :)

Tuesday, 26 July 2011


Beeen with my gorgeous boyfriend for 8 months today. I'm sososo happy. :)
Can't wait for his gig, tonight, also. eeeeeeeeee. :) S'gonna be goood. :)

Wednesday, 20 July 2011


This week has been amazing, so far. :)
Sunday, I went with Maria and Kia to see Papa Roach. They are absolutely AMAZING live! Not only that, but Jacoby Shaddix held my hand and I got one of Jerry's guitar pics! :D

On Tuesday I went round to Alex's which was slightly more amazing than usual, which was lovely. Then, we went to see Harry Potter! It was actually really really good, didn't think that I'd enjoy it as much as I did. :) Deathly Hallows part ONE was also the first film that Alex and myself went to watch at the cinema together. First kiss and all that. :3 aw, cute. ;) ha!

Then, today (Wednesday) I went out with a few of the bestfriends. Mel, Mitch & Kia.. It was a proper lovely day until I had to go to work, booo! :(

Then, I've got work tomorrow... Work Friday.. But, I gets to see Alex afterwards! :) Then, work Saturday, but I'm going to town with Mel, Sam, James and maybe Kia afterwards. :) Then, Sunday will probably be my day of rest unless I can get Alex out.. Which is very unlikely 'cause he starts work at SEVEN D: Which means he'll have to get up at like.. 5 D: Bless him!

Theeennnn! and this is what I'm really excited for! For one of Alex's friends birthday, he's holding a kinda 'music night' at West Street Live on Tuesday and Alex's band are playing. :) Absolutely can't wait to see Alex playing music with his band, seeing as I missed it last time and felt sososo guilty. Then, whilst I'm dead on Weds, I'm going to town with mel, kia, sam and james.. Then mel and myself are going to the cinema. IMA BUSY BEE FOR ONCE. :D Love my friends and boyfriend. mwaaahhh. love life. :)

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


These are my favorite pictures ever. :) I'm putting them on here 'cause he'll prolly kill me if I put them anywhere else where anyone else can see them, bahaha. :)

Alexander John Harrison, gosh, I'd never believe that when we first met.. We'd be how we are now.. :D Almost 8 months on. xD

I can even remember it all like we were yesterday! :) We knew eachother through a friend for about... 3years, anyway, but we'd only ever talked through text/facebook... So, we arranged to meet up on a Monday.

The Friday before the Monday, I saw him in college.. So, I thought I'd go and speak to him before Monday, yeno, less pressure? I was SO nervous, but, I did it.. and we got on really well :) We stood and talked for about 10mins then, I went home.

Then, we DID meet up on the Monday, before college, we just hung around town for abit, then, we ended up in Cavendish pub at like 11 in the morning drinking shots lmao, deary me! Then, we went to college. :)

We met up on the Wednesday.. Just by chance, really.. There was a protest/strike going on and we were both there at the same time so we decided to meet up, we walked with the protest for a bit, then we ended up in yatess ahaha! There's a pattern forming here. :P

We then met up on the Friday (one week after we first met). We just hung around town for a bit, in Cavendish (hahaha), before my hairdresser's appointment, then, he went home.. After my hairdressers I went to Morrisons with my mother and, bless him 'cause he was so nervous, I got the loveliest text 'asking me out', and, although it was through text and not in person, it was just absolutely perfect.

Then, on that Sunday.. We went to see the new Harry Potter film and after that we shared our first kiss. perfect. :)

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Not been on here in a bit..

So, I've decided I'm going to kinda-ish go on a diet.. Not really a diet, though, just cutting most of the crap out that I eat... And now, I've got a hell of a lot of motivation because Alex and myself are plannning a holiday together! & I reallyreallyreeally believe that it's going to happen! :)
He's eating healthy/excercising too, we're gonna be so fit ;) hehehe :D
Growing my hair and growing my nails, also, I am going to achieve this! :)

Going to Alton Towers on Monday with mummy and daddy, I can't wait! :)