Monday, 6 July 2009


havn't wrote on this in ages.
well last week was quite a good week tbh. it was really fun. couldn't get rid of melissa :P aha.
monday; i went to hers to have a go on her NEW TRAMPOLINE omg i love it so much. lol.
tuesday; we went holiday shoppingggs and got some new stuffs.
thursday; went round again for the TRAMPOLINE lol
friday; we had to go to manchester for her passport interview aha. that was major funtimes, i thought we were going to get lost.
sunday; did my race for life (: then went to town with mitch & zach.

but im really pee'd off tbh, caus all of these passport people keep saying different things. 1 person said that we're deffinately gonna get her passport and she's deffo gonna beable to come to Rhodes with us. but when my mum phoned up today.. they said that they havnt even sent it for printing yet!!! what nobs! so yeah we're really struggling to get it in time tbh :\ hmmmm. i really hope it comes, cause im really excited... and i KNOW that she's excited. it'll be so fun.. fingers crossed tbh (yn)

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