Wednesday, 24 February 2010


Soooo, I've not written in here for ages. AGAIN.
Well, Life's a bit shitty at the moment, isn't it? I did something that I reallyreally regret lastnight, but no worries, it's in the past.
I'm just quite worried about all the bitchiness in our 'friendship' group. yes inverted commas, 'cause it's not really like a friendship at all, anymore. & yeah, it's partly my fault, i know this, because of the break up with Zak or whatever, but TBH, it doesn't excuse all the bitchyness at all the little things. & NO, i'm not saying it's aimed at me, 'cause most of the time it isn't. I just wish that if people had things to say, to one another, they'd say it to eachothers faces, not behind their backs, and not hiding over facebook/msn. and i know that in the shortrun, this'd probably be bad, 'cause it'd create a lot of arguments. but, SURELY, it's better than all of the bitchyness?! I'm just sick of it tbh, most of it is just fucking Petty! but, yeah, in the long run, it's probably be better, 'cause things would get sorted out. 'cause tbh, i do love them all, to bits, if im honest, i just can't stand all of the bitching anymore. & yeah, i've just had a mini rant, probably 'cause Peter isn't online for me to rant at :P LOL.
Yeah, I just wish all of that would end. 'cause it just feels like our 'friendship' group is split into two parts at the moment. and YES, i know why that is, but can't people just be civil?!

&, tbqh, i don't understand why people get jealous/pissy when i put 'mel,mitch,maria,peep; i love you 'nuff said' Isit because i don't mention them?! isit because they think i don't love them?! SURELY they do it too! SURELY they have BESTfriends too, 'cause that's what they are, my BESTfriends, and they're ALWAYS there for me. no bitchin' between us lot, is there? NOOOO!

Well, anyway. apart from thaaaat. life is gooooood! i've got my AMAZING bestfriends, who are always there for me, and always support me, i couldn't ask for any better bestfriends tbh. love them to pieces (: <3

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